Summit Award
Honors an individual within the NWRPCA membership who has reached a singular level of achievement in a particular area of expertise or service. The topic of the 2024 Summit Award was "Workforce Innovator." Over the past few years, many community health centers have struggled with recruiting and retaining staff in key positions. To meet this challenge, health centers have had to be creative in their practices as—ideally--an employer of choice for their staff. This award will honor an individual within the NWRPCA membership who has gone above and beyond in innovating and adapting the practices at his or her health center to become and remain an employer of choice. |
2023 Summit Award "Care Delivery Coming Out of COVID" winner, Bobbi Wernz, CHAS Health
2023 Anita Manoian Legacy Award Winner, Desiree Sweeney, NEW Health