Highlights from the NWRPCA 2018-19 Region X Salary and Benefits Survey
Monday, January 14, 2019
Posted by: Thomas Johnson
Last month, NWRPCA released the 2018-19 Biennial Region X Health Center Salary & Benefits Survey. Fifty-two health centers throughout Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington participated in the data collection process by submitting salary and benefits information for their entire staff. The final report includes:
Salaries are on the rise for most positions
Since 2012, the average health center position has seen an increase in salary by about 18%. This increase is not, however, evenly spread across the different staff types. Maintenance and facilities staff, for example, are on average paid 43% more today than they were in 2012, while QI Coordinators have seen virtually no change in compensation.
Posted by: Thomas Johnson
Last month, NWRPCA released the 2018-19 Biennial Region X Health Center Salary & Benefits Survey. Fifty-two health centers throughout Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington participated in the data collection process by submitting salary and benefits information for their entire staff. The final report includes:
- Compiled salary and benefits for 124 different health center positions
- Breakdowns for key positions by state, year of service, and health center size (according to budget)
- Summaries of employee benefits packages offered throughout the region (e.g. insurance types, retirement options, employee leave)
- Staff turnover and point-in-time vacancy information (e.g. vacancies, recruitment length)
Salaries are on the rise for most positions
Since 2012, the average health center position has seen an increase in salary by about 18%. This increase is not, however, evenly spread across the different staff types. Maintenance and facilities staff, for example, are on average paid 43% more today than they were in 2012, while QI Coordinators have seen virtually no change in compensation.
Most health centers offer employees some form of additional pay
69% of all health centers that participated in the data collection process indicated that they provided employees with some sort of additional pay. Of all the employee records that were submitted, 41.4% indicated that they received one or more forms of additional pay, including bonuses/incentives, differentials based on duties, or overtime/extra shifts.
69% of all health centers that participated in the data collection process indicated that they provided employees with some sort of additional pay. Of all the employee records that were submitted, 41.4% indicated that they received one or more forms of additional pay, including bonuses/incentives, differentials based on duties, or overtime/extra shifts.
Most health centers offer employees generous benefits packages.
Most health centers who participated in the survey offer employees full or partially covered health and dental insurance. A majority also provide coverge for dependent health and e, however the number of health centers that do not offer dependent coverage (or do not offer any plans) is also greater. Finally, an overwhelming majority offer fully covered options for disability and life insurance.
Most health centers who participated in the survey offer employees full or partially covered health and dental insurance. A majority also provide coverge for dependent health and e, however the number of health centers that do not offer dependent coverage (or do not offer any plans) is also greater. Finally, an overwhelming majority offer fully covered options for disability and life insurance.