2018 NWRPCA Training Needs Survey
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Posted by: Thomas Johnson
Every year, in coordination with CHAMPS (Community Health Association of Mountain/Plain States), NWRPCA distributes a Training Needs Survey to health center staff throughout Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The purpose of the survey is to request guidance about the areas that NWRPCA and the state primary care association need to focus on in providing training and technical support to FQHCs in our region.
This year, the survey was conducted in April. More than 160 people participated, with respondents varying widely in terms of both state and the role they serve at their health center. In particular, there was excellent participation from QA/QI professionals, providers and advance practice providers, CHWs and outreach/enrollment staff, and executives and other key decision makers. Respondents who selected the Other category were administrative support professionals, coaches, and miscellaneous program/project managers.
Posted by: Thomas Johnson
Every year, in coordination with CHAMPS (Community Health Association of Mountain/Plain States), NWRPCA distributes a Training Needs Survey to health center staff throughout Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. The purpose of the survey is to request guidance about the areas that NWRPCA and the state primary care association need to focus on in providing training and technical support to FQHCs in our region.
This year, the survey was conducted in April. More than 160 people participated, with respondents varying widely in terms of both state and the role they serve at their health center. In particular, there was excellent participation from QA/QI professionals, providers and advance practice providers, CHWs and outreach/enrollment staff, and executives and other key decision makers. Respondents who selected the Other category were administrative support professionals, coaches, and miscellaneous program/project managers.
One of the most important questions respondents completed asked them to select and rank the top five challenges their health center faces from a list of topics/focus areas. As with past training needs surveys, Recruitment, Access to Care, and Retention were identified as major challenges throughout the region. In Idaho, respondents also indicated that social determinants of health and patient engagement were top challenges, while Oregon participants also emphasized data analytics and behavioral health integration (click the smaller images below to see individual states).
Respondents were also asked to rank which type of learning opportunities they found most valuable at NWRPCA conferences. Networking opportunities and sessions that address models and tools were highly valued, while poster sessions and tours of local community health centers were primarily identified as only somewhat important or not important at all.
These survey responses are immeasurably value to NWPRCA, and they go a long way to helping us shape the content of conferences, standalone trainings, webinars, and beyond. If you have any additional feedback that you would like to share with us, please feel free to reach out to our Membership Services Specialist, Georgia Mauney.